The Bible in English: Search Fields

You can search The Bible in English by the following fields:

You can also use Search Options to refine your search further.


From the Search page, you can use the Keyword field to search for any word or phrase contained within a version of the Bible. To enter terms into the search box:

For example:
Keyword: flock
Keyword: ten commandments

When searching in the Keyword field, you can use truncation to retrieve documents containing variations on a term. If you choose to search for more than one term, you can also combine them using Boolean and proximity searching.


You can limit a search to a particular book or books of the Bible. To enter terms in the Book search box:

For example:
Book: isaiah


From the Search page, you can limit a search to a particular version or versions of the Bible. To limit your search by version:

You can select more than one item from the Version list by clicking on the first item you want to select, then holding down the CTRL key and clicking on any other items you want. If you want to select a range of items that are next to each other in the list, click on the first item then hold down the SHIFT key and click on the last item. All the items in the list in between these will be selected.


You can limit a search to the Old or New Testament, Apocrypha or a combination of these. To limit your search by testament


From the Search page, you can use the Period field to search for versions of the Bible published in a particular linguistic period from Old English to the twentieth century. To limit your search by period:

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(BIE version 97:1)