ISSN: 0038-4534
Publisher: Louisiana State University Press
Editor, James Olney
Editor, Dave Smith
Business Manager, Brenda Macon
Associate Editor, Michael A. Griffith
Assistant Editor, Nicola Mason
Editorial Assistant, Andrea Blair
Consulting Editor, Lewis P. Simpson
Individual: $25 for one year, $40 for two years, $55 for three years, and $8 for single copies; Institutional: $50 for one year, $75 for two years, $100 for three years, and $16 for single copies.
The Southern Review (ISSN 0038-4534) is published four times a year (January, April, July, and October) by Louisiana State University at 43 Allen Hall, LSU, Baton Rouge, LA 70803-5005.
Contact Information
43 Allen Hall, LSU
Baton Rouge, LA 70803-5005
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