ISSN: 0034-4346
Publisher: Marquette University Press, USA
Editor, Ed Block, Jr.
Senior Editor, Joseph Schwartz
Editorial Assistant, Wendy A. Weaver
Renascence Associate, Ann W. Astell, Purdue University
Renascence Associate, J. Robert Barth, S.J., Boston College
Renascence Associate, Gerald Bruns, University of Notre Dame
Renascence Associate, Robert Coles, Harvard University
Renascence Associate, Rene Girard, Stanford University
Renascence Associate, Samuel Hazo, Duquesne University
Renascence Associate, Walter Jost, University of Virginia
Renascence Associate, Anthony Low, New York University
Renascence Associate, John D. McCabe, Marquette University
Renascence Associate, Michael A. Mikolajczak, University of St. Thomas
Renascence Associate, Roland J. Teske, S.J., Marquette University
Renascence Associate, Albert Thelen, S.J. Wisconsin Province of the Society of Jesus
Renascence Associate, Patricia A. Ward, Vanderbilt University
Renascence Associate, Joseph Wiesenfarth, University of Wisconsin
Individual: $25.00; Institutional: $25.00; International: $30.00. Back issues available at $8.00 per issue. Special issues: $9.00; Combined issues: $14.00.
Renascence: Essays on Values in Literature (ISSN 0034-4346) is published quarterly by Marquette University, whose principal office is located at P.O. Box 1881, Milwaukee, WI 53201-1881
Contact Information
Brooks Hall, 200, Marquette University, P.O. Box 1881
Milwaukee, WI 53201-188
Telephone: (513) 941-1116
Fax: (513) 941-1112
Printed in the U.S.
Second-class postage paid at Milwaukee, WI. Postmaster: Send address changes to Renascence; Brooks Hall, 200; Marquette University; P.O. Box 1881; Milwaukee, WI 53201-1881.
Renascence, a critical and scholarly journal, is published as a Christian witness to literature for promoting the study of values in literature. Since the focus of the Journal is Christian thought and values, the editorial policy defines a perspective rather than a subject matter. It invites critical essays which incorporate the Christian perspective as a way of looking at literature. Manuscripts (2 copies) and correspondence about publication should be directed to the editor (see address above). Manuscripts should conform to the new MLA Style Sheet and should be accompanied by a self-addressed envelope and sufficient return postage. ©1999