ISSN: 0275-1607
Publisher: Rutgers University Press, USA
Editor in Chief, Richard Poirier
Executive Editor, Thomas R. Edwards
Managing Editor, Suzanne Katz Hyman
Editorial Board, Leo Bersani
Editorial Board, David Browwich
Editorial Board, John Hollander
Editorial Board, George Kateb
Editorial Board, George Levine
Editorial Board, Marianne McDonald
Editorial Board, Edward W. Said
Editorial Board, Elaine Showalter
Editorial Board, Ben Sonnenberg
Contributing Editor, Mark Edmundson
Contributing Editor, Amy Gutmann
Contributing Editor, Willaim Kerrigan
Contributing Editor, Louis Menand
Contributing Editor, Ross Posnock
Advisory Editor, Svetlana Alpers
Advisory Editor, Leo Braudy
Advisory Editor, Stanley Cavell
Advisory Editor, Ronald Dworkin
Advisory Editor, Michael Fried
Advisory Editor, Clifford Geertz
Advisory Editor, Denis Hollier
Advisory Editor, Frank Kermode
Advisory Editor, Bridget Gellert Lyons
Advisory Editor, D.A. Miller
Advisory Editor, Jane Miller
Advisory Editor, Arnold Rampersad
Advisory Editor, Sheldon S. Wolin
Associate Editor, Jonathon Levin
Editorial Assistant, Stephanie Volmer
Editorial Assistant, Matthew Parr
Advertisingr, Christopher C. Warley
Office Manager, Donna K. Green
$20 a year; $36 for two years. Single copies $7.00. Back issues $8.00. Canada and all foreign countries add $6.50 per year for surface mail. Institutions: $30.00 a year; $45.00 for two years.
Raritan-A Quarterly Review (ISSN 0275-1607) is published quarterly by Rutgers University Press.
Contact Information
Rutgers University, 31 Mine Street-
New Brunswick, NJ 08903
Telephone: (732) 932-7887
Fax: (732) 932-7855
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