Prairie Schooner

ISSN: 0032-6682
Publisher: University of Nebraska Press, USA

Editor-in-Chief, Hilda Raz
Managing Editor, Ladette Randolph
Designer, Dika Eckersley
Production Manager, Alison Rold
Reader, Grace Bauer
Reader, Stephen Behrendt
Reader, Gerald Shapiro
Reader, Judith Slater
Reader, Marley A. Swick
Editorial Assistant, Elizabeth Ahl-
Editorial Assistant, Susan Atefat Peckham
Editorial Assistant, Gay Gavin
Editorial Assistant, Charlotte Hogg
Editorial Assistant, Manjit Kaur
Editorial Assistant, Bob King
Editorial Assistant, Joel Peckham
Editorial Assistant, Jon Ritz
Editorial Assistant, John Struloeff
Editorial Assistant, Lisa Verigin
Editorial Assistant, Sandra Yannone

$22.00 (1 year); $38.00 (2 years); $50.00 (3 years); single copies, $7.25 (Nebraska residents add sales tax); libraries, $25.00 per year. Special rates for bulk orders.

Prairie Schooner (ISSN 0032-6682) is published quarterly (March, June, September, December) in cooperation with the University of Nebraska Press and the Creative Writing Program of the University of Nebraska English Department at 201 Andrews Hall, University of Nebraska, Lincoln, NE 68588-0334.

Contact Information

201 Andrews Hall, University of Nebraska
Lincoln, Nebraska 68588-0334

Periodicals Postage paid at Lincoln and additional mailing offices. Postmaster: send address changes to 201 Andrews Hall, University of Nebraska, Lincoln, NE 68588-0334. All manuscripts should be submitted to the Editor. Prairie Schooner does not consider simultaneous submissions. Manuscripts will not be returned unless accompanied by a stamped self-addressed envelope or international reply coupons. Manuscripts are read during the months of September through May only. Business correspondence should be directed to the Managing Editor. Prairie Schooner is a member of the Council of Editors of Learned Journals and the Association of Literary Magazines of America. ©1998 University of Nebraska Press. All Rights Reserved.