ISSN: 0163-075X
Publisher: Kenyon College, USA
Editor, David H. Lynn
Managing Editor, Thomas L. Bigelow
Poetry Editor, David Baker
Poetry Editor, Jennifer Clarvoe
Drama Editor, Wendy MacLeod
Book Reviews, Shelia Jordon
Advisory Board, David Bergman
Advisory Board, Robb Forman Dew
Advisory Board, E.L. Doctorow
Advisory Board, Daniel Mark Epstien
Advisory Board, Alice Fulton
Advisory Board, Amitav Ghosh
Advisory Board, Rachel Hadas
Advisory Board, Michael S. Harper
Advisory Board, John Hollander
Advisory Board, T.R. Hummer
Advisory Board, Lewis Hyde
Advisory Board, Allison Joseph
Advisory Board, Reginald McNight
Advisory Board, Carol Muske
Advisory Board, Joyce Carol Oates
Advisory Board, Pamela Painter
Advisory Board, Michael Wood
Advisory Board, Nancy Zafris
Operations Coordinator, Doris Jean Dilts
Business Manager, Joseph G. Nelson
Special Consultants, Jerry Kelly
Special Consultants, Jennifer Johns
Chief Copy Editor, Loretta Godfrey
Copy Editor, Beverly Liles
Design, Nanette Black
Individuals - one year $25, two years $45, three years $65; libraries and institutions - $35/year. Add $8 per year for foreign addresses. Agency discount, foreign and domestic, 15%. Single Copies: $9 single issue, $13 double issue (Summer/Fall), includes postage and handling. Classroom Discounts: 40% discount and free teaching copy for orders of 10 or more nonreturnable copies for classroom use.
The Kenyon Review,(ISSN 0163-075X) an international journal of literature, culture, and the arts, is published in April, September, and December at Kenyon College, Gambier, Ohio 43022.
Contact Information
Kenyon College
Gambier, OH 43022
Telephone: (740) 437-5208
Fax: (740) 427-5417
Printed in the U.S.