ISSN: 0021-065X
Publisher: University of Iowa, Department of English, USA
Editor, David Hamilton
Editor, Mary Hussmann
Assistant Editor, Kevin Larimer
Assistant Editor, Brian Lennon
Assistant Editor, Judith Mitchell
Designer, Kay Amert
Editorial Assistants, Mark Baechtel
Editorial Assistants, Santhosh Daniel
Editorial Assistants, Santhosh Daniel
Editorial Assistants, Wyane Harrison
Editorial Assistants, Sara Levine
Editorial Assistants, Sarah Manguso
Editorial Assistants, Dalia Rosenfeld
Advisory Board, David Baldus
Advisory Board, Frank Conroy
Advisory Board, Charles Kremenak
Advisory Board, Leslie Sims
Advisory Board, Thomas Walz
$18 for individuals, $20 for institutions. Add $3 for foreign mailing. Single copy: $6.95
The Iowa Review (ISSN 0021-065X) is published three times annually by the Department of English and the Graduate College of The University of Iowa at 308 English Philosophy Bldg., Iowa City, Iowa 52242-1492.
Contact Information
The University of Iowa, 308 English Philosophy Bldg.
Iowa City, Iowa 52242-1492
We read manuscripts from September 1 through January 31 each year or until we fill our next volume year's issues. Work sent at other times or after we've filled our quota is likely to be returned. ©1998, by The University of Iowa. All rights reserved.