English Literature in Transition 1880-1920

ISSN: 0013-8339
Publisher: University of North Carolina, English Department, USA

Founding Editor, Helmut E. Gerber 1957-1981
Editor, Robert Langenfeld
Editorial Assistant, Cassandra Gainer
Editorial Assistant, Cassandra Gaine
Advisory Board, Elsie B. Adams, San Diego State University
Advisory Board, Bruce Bashford, SUNY, Stony Brook
Advisory Board, Karl Beckson, CUNY, Brooklyn College
Advisory Board, G.A, Cevasco, St. Johns University
Advisory Board, John J. Conlon, University of Massachusetts
Advisory Board, J. Randolph Cox, St. Olaf College
Advisory Board, W. Eugene Davis, Purdue University
Advisory Board, Benjamin F. Fisher, University of Mississippi
Advisory Board, Avrom Fleishman, Johns Hopkins University
Advisory Board, Regenia Gagnier, University of Exeter
Advisory Board, Simon Gatrell, University of Georgia
Advisory Board, Judith Scherer Herz, Concordia University
Advisory Board, Gail McDonald, UNC, Greensboro
Advisory Board, Frederick McDowell, University of Iowa
Advisory Board, Gerald Monsman, University of Arizona
Advisory Board, Ira B. Nadel, University of British Columbia
Advisory Board, Harold Orel, University of Kansas
Advisory Board, William J. Scheick, University of Texas
Advisory Board, Robert C. Schweik, SUNY, Fredonia
Advisory Board, Lloyd Siemens, University of Winnepeg
Advisory Board, J.H. Stape, University of Kyoto
Advisory Board, Earl E. Stevens, Rhode Island University
Advisory Board, Ray Stevens, Western Maryland College
Advisory Board, Stephen E. Tabachnick, University of Oklahoma-
Advisory Board, Claire M. Tylee, Brunel University College
Advisory Board, J.P. Wearing, University of Arizona
Advisory Board, Jack W. Weaver, Winthrop University
Advisory Board, Stanley Weintraub, Pennsylvania State University
Advisory Board, Carolyn Williams, Rutgers University
Advisory Board, Keith Wilson, University of Ottawa

Institution U.S.: $24.00 (1 year), $44.00 (2 years); Individual U.S.: $17.00 (1 year), $32.00 (2 years); Institution Foreign: $30.00 (1 year), $56.00 (2 years); Individual Foreign: $20.00 (1 year), $38.00 (2 years); Indexes: U.S. $13.00, Foreign $15.00- ISSN 0013-1920

ELT publishes articles on fiction, poetry, drama, or subjects of cultural interest in the 1880-1920 period of British literature. Submissions are typically 20-25 pages double-spaced. We publish reviews of books about W.B. Yeats, Virginia Woolf, Joseph Conrad, D.H. Lawrence, T.S. Elliot, Henry James, James Joyce, and Ezra Pound. However, we do not publish articles on these major twentieth-century authors unless the discussion is linked to lesser-known figures of the period. Please submit two photocopies of the manuscript and the cover letter addressed to Robert Langenfeld that describes the contents of your essay. Include and disk and a note about the computer/software you use. Copies of the essays not accepted for publication will be discarded. The disk will be returned with a letter from the editor. Notes in ELT are organized in accordance with the Chicago Manual of Style (14th edition). Allow three months for a decision.

Contact Information

English Department, University of North Carolina
PO Box 26170, Greensboro NC
Telephone: (336) 334-5446
Fax: (336) 334-3281
Web Site: http://www.uncg.edu/eng/elt
E-mail: langenfeld@uncg.edu
